iPad Mount
In the age of coronavirus, everything has been happening at home… these days even doctors appointments are happening virtually. For us, moving to a house during this time was a big improvement for lots of reasons, but one of the largest was having the space to exercise safely at home. I have been into streaming workout videos since before Covid hit, doing barre3 for a while and now a big fan of all the Beachbody programs (shoutout to my sweet coach, Sara). At our apartment, I would have to move the coffee table in our living room, airplay my phone to the TV and do various exercises in the small space that was left, sometimes modifying exercises so i didn’t hit something (ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right?). When we moved in, we were SO excited that we would have a gym right in our house, even inheriting a treadmill with the deal- what great timing with the hopefully temporary closing of so many gyms.
In a year of many fun design challenges, (my dream come true, frankly) thinking about how to make our gym really productive for us is an exciting one. For Matt, with a treadmill and some free weights he is ready to rock. For me, the most important thing is space and a screen to watch videos. When we moved in, the previous owners had mounted their downstairs living room tv so that it could rotate to be seen on the treadmill if you wanted, or you could rotate it back, but as we looked at our basement layout, that location felt like it was really limiting us on the furniture layout (more on that later.) Plus, the ideal layout for open space was not facing the way the screen would be oriented – it just didn’t make sense.
We decided we’d watch for a deal on a tv and just get around to putting one in the gym eventually. But then, I had a thought. I usually watch my workouts on my ipad anyways…. Why couldn’t we just mount that? Enter, the iPad mount that has made my life SO much easier.
I found this mount on amazon but there were lots like it, some more attractive than others. For me, I wanted to be able to quickly put my iPad in it without taking the case out, rotate it as I wanted to, and push it against the wall when I wanted it to go away. Since Matt and I both have iPads and the models continue to change, I also wanted to make sure that it could adjust depending on the model. This one fits all those parameters and was easy for me to install in 20ish minutes. I chose to put it on a wall where it could also be seen from the treadmill as well (we all know the minutes fly by when you’re gripped by an episode of something).
Truly, this was one of the easiest and most impactful tweaks to our house – funny for something so small (and inexpensive). The gym has a long way to go in my mind, but making it more functional NOW has made a difference in feeling one step closer.